Difficult Service of Process Options
Difficult Service of Process Options
Level 1 – $350
Tactics Review, Field Inspection
Stealth Attempts, Project Assessment
- Tactics Assessment with status updates
- Site evaluation and interviews with neighbors
Level 2 – $550
Subject Research, Alternative Locations
Custom Project Analysis, Stealth Field Attempts
- Includes all Level 1 searches above
- Subject locate and alternate location research (work/home)
- Subject identity/activity research
Level 3 – $650
Stake Out and Rolling Surveillance
Vehicle research and Field Assessment
- Stake-out and rolling surveillance to tail subject
- Detailed activity assessment and vehicle research
- Site logistics evaluation
Level 4 – $1,185
High Priority Service and Urgent Deadlines
Combines L-2 and L-3 – Flexible Cost
- Combines L-2 and L-3 above for Urgent and High Priority Cases
- Includes deep social media research for activities and schedules
- Stealth intelligence gathering from multiple sources
- Unique investigative approaches per subject’s lifestyle and habits
Subpoena Investigations, Servicing & Processing
Frequently Asked Questions
The defendant is avoiding process service, I need to get them served.
The first thing to do is analyze the data known on the defendant and the efforts to serve them to date. What times of day was service attempted? Was there evidence that someone was home but not answering the door? What are the demographics of the defendant, are they stay-at-home types or are they going to work each day? Once this data has been scrutinized, next comes the plan of attack.
In some cases an early morning stake-out is preferred, especially if they are likely to go to work each morning. In other cases a daytime pretext door knock is recommended to gather intelligence but at the same time not alerting the household as to the intentions of the agent. These tactics can include anything from pretending to be looking for a lost dog to looking like a delivery person. There are a host of other tools in the investigators bag of tricks, each is selected to best fit the situation at hand.
A witness in my case is missing I need to find and serve them.
If these efforts have failed, then the next step is to hire a private investigator that specializes in difficult service of process to take over the project. They will need a detailed report from you or your process server on the efforts that have been made to date to serve or locate the witness. The more details you can provide, the higher the chances are for a successful outcome.
There are things you can do in advance to prevent the problem of a missing witness and that is to gather crucial identifying data on the subject early on. If you depose or interview a witness, always get key information that will help you track them down in the future. This includes full name (with the correct spelling,) date of birth and driver’s license number. In addition ask where they work and get email and cell numbers (people tend to keep the same numbers when they move.) Lastly ask for the name and number of a contact person that could contact them if they were to move.
How can I serve a subpoena on a difficult defendant?

The reason is that process servers working for attorney services get paid by the serve. They deal in volume and bang on doors and make their money by serving papers on the low hanging fruit. The down side is that when the bang on the door of your sketchy defendant, is answered by your defendant, they will likely deny are the correct person and tell the process server to go away. At that point the defendant goes underground, stops answering their door and you have a vigilant paranoid defendant dodging you.
On the other hand if you start by hiring a skilled private investigator to serve the defendant, they will use tactics that catch the defendant off guard. Even when they simply knock at the door the defendant will never be aware because they will always have a plausible story as to why they are there that will never tip off the defendant. So in many cases the serve is quick and easy if good forethought is employed. And in more difficult cases the private investigator has all the skills to effect the difficult service of process.
I’m trying to serve legal documents on a doctor, how do I get them served?
Employing the skills of a private investigator is key to success in serving difficult professionals. They start be identifying the home address and in many cases can also identify the vehicles driven by the subject. The game plan may start with an early morning stake out of their home and service can be effected as they leave for work.
If this is not possible, an alternative plan is to serve them coming or going to their clinic, hospital or doctor offices. If a vehicle has been identified for the subject, then a scan of the parking facility can often net the subject’s parked car and the investigator sits on the car until the doctor or professional leaves work.
How do I serve someone if it requires a stakeout?
In order to serve someone you must a) identify them b) inform them that they are being served and c) present them with the service papers. Note that if the first two are accomplished the third, presentation of the papers does not require their cooperation. So if you are staking out a subject and you see them approach their car and you call out they are being served, if they refuse to accept the papers you can toss them through an open window or slap them under the windshield wipers.
In some cases the logistics can make serving the subject as they leave their home or work difficult, say perhaps if they have a gated house or long driveway. In these cases the investigator can forgo the awkward footrace to the gate and covertly follow them by car. As soon as they stop at a long light or pull into a gas station, the service of process is more easily effected.
Examples of Subpoena Service:
- Summons and Complaint
- Deposition Subpoena
- Subpoena for Trail Appearance
- Statement of Damages
- Restraining Orders
- Order to Show Cause (OSC)
- Order to Appear at Small Claims Court
- Judgment Debtor’s Statement of AssetsOrder to Appear for Examination (OEX)
- Completion of Your Service of Subpoena
What people are saying
Tristar in the news
Tristar Investigation has been featured in a dozens of publications, everything from print to TV and radio. Bellow you will find Burce Robertson interviewed and discussed on famous publications such as the History Channel, New York Times, CNN and a lot more.
A new wanted poster has been released clearly showing the face/eyes of the main suspect who breached the wine cellar at Lincoln Fines Wines in late June. The public is being asked to be on the lookout for the burglar.
Click here to view or download the poster
Wine Burglar Strikes in Venice
Tristar Investigation Joins Efforts to Solve the Case
LA Times Story Below…
By Andrew J. Campa Staff Writer – July 4, 2023
New York Times Article Features Tristar Founder
Tristar Investigation founder Bruce Robertson was hired to track down the person who shot two endangered California Condors. In 2009 private detective and Tristar Investigation founder