There are many reasons that an attorney’s firm needs the help of a private investigator, and private investigators are easy to locate, because any good investigation agency will have a website with detailed information about their services. However, finding a private investigator that will be most effective in helping you with your case research can be tricky. The following are three things to consider when you are looking for a private investigator for legal purposes.
Do they do field work?
Because there is so much information that can be obtained on the Internet, there are many private investigators that never leave their office. For much of the work that is required for a law office, this type of investigator will be insufficient. Although some information can be gleaned online, we do field work. Our firm knocks on doors to interview people. We serve subpoenas to people who are difficult to find, and we do physical surveillance in the field. Much of what a lawyer needs from a private investigator requires footwork, and this cannot be replaced with an Internet connection.
Do they provide process service?
If you are attempting to locate someone as a witness or have named someone in a lawsuit, a private investigator must go beyond claiming to have located the person of interest. They must also be able to serve these documents to them. In fact, many attorneys already know where to find the person in question, but cannot find them in person to serve the papers. A good investigation firm, such as ours, has many years of experiences with process serving. Once we know where someone can be found, we have a variety of legal techniques we use that give us the capability of serving the legal documents directly into the hand of the person named in the legal documents.
Do they provide surveillance video?
If you are looking into a case of insurance fraud, such as workers’ compensation, then you will need an experienced investigator. Having the correct electronic equipment is not enough. A private investigator must first gather information on the person to know where he or she is most likely to demonstrate fraud with physical activity; an activity that is inconsistent with the claim of a workplace injury. These physical actions must be recorded on video as documentation for your case. However, this must be done discreetly, and most important of all, it must be done legally. We have an exhaustive knowledge of the law as it applies to surveillance.
When you hire a private investigator, you do so with the belief that they will be able to help your case, but unless they have the experience and skill to do the job, a private investigator will only be wasting your time and money. Of course, this is the least of your concern when it comes to legal matters. If you hire someone who does not understand the legal aspects of private investigation, your case can be compromised by the incompetence of the private investigator. We have the experience, knowledge and skill to provide the services to help strengthen your ability to help your client. Call us today for a consultation.
Bruce Robertson
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