by Bruce Robertson | Oct 19, 2014 | Blog
You may have a lost relative that you want to find, perhaps an aunt, uncle, cousin or even a brother or sister, but you are not sure how to go about it. There are a few basic things you can do on your own, and you may have already tried them. You can also hire a...
by Bruce Robertson | Oct 15, 2014 | Blog
Confronting your spouse about their cheating behavior can be a difficult thing to do. In fact, sometimes it can be scary. This is why it is important to be cautious with any confrontation. There are certain steps that should be taken before you ever come to your...
by Bruce Robertson | Oct 8, 2014 | Blog
Even when it becomes apparent to an individual or a company that a sub rosa investigation is needed, the importance of using a professional private investigator is not always appreciated. Surveillance entails much more than just videotaping or photographing someone...
by Bruce Robertson | Oct 1, 2014 | Blog
Employee theft can be small or quite large. At worst, in can become so bad that a company’s profits suffer greatly and can push a business into insolvency. On a smaller scale it takes away money from a business that could have been used to expand the operation or...
by Bruce Robertson | Sep 24, 2014 | Blog
Men and women get caught cheating every day, but many of them go to extraordinary lengths to avoid detection. With a spouse like this, it takes a professional investigator to know what to look for and how to find the evidence of cheating and document it. Part of the...
by Bruce Robertson | Sep 19, 2014 | Blog
Sometimes, a person who is about to get married may harbor suspicions about an incident in their spouse’s past. If you have questions about his or her past, before you proceed with the marriage, you can complete a background check on them to ease your mind. Whatever...
by Bruce Robertson | Sep 3, 2014 | Blog
Disability fraud can sometimes be difficult to detect because many types of injuries that can prevent a person from working are not always obvious based on outward appearances. Most people collecting disability are not bedridden nor confined to a wheelchair. For this...
by Bruce Robertson | Aug 27, 2014 | Blog
Your chances of winning custody of your child or children dramatically increase if you can prove that your former spouse is an unfit parent. The trick to proving this is, of course, documentation, which can be obtained through a child custody investigation. This is...
by Bruce Robertson | Aug 20, 2014 | Blog
Once you have decided to file for a divorce, we recommend that you consult with a private investigator in addition to an attorney for a divorce investigation. Our services are quite different from those offered by a lawyer, however, they are complementary. There are...
by Bruce Robertson | Aug 13, 2014 | Blog
Depending upon the circumstances, you may need our services to perform a search for assets before you file suit against another party. There are also reasons you may need our assistance after a judgment has been issued by the court. Here are some situations in which...