Even if your spouse isn’t cheating on you, financial infidelity can certainly bring your marriage to an end just as quickly. This can involve hiding money, transferring money to secret accounts, or simply spending it without telling you. The following are a few signs that your spouse may be guilty of financial infidelity.
There is a sudden drop in income.
This is most commonly accomplished by those who own their own business. Unlike having a spouse with a steady paycheck, a business owner can simply say that sales are slow. Of course, this may be a lie, and the drop in income is because of an attempt to hide assets. They may be transferring funds to another person or account you are not aware of. We have the experience to analyze business transactions to determine if your spouse is siphoning off money. In many instances, we may not only be able to determine where the money is going, but the motive behind it.
You have unaccounted for charges on a credit card.
If you see charges on a credit card statement that cannot be explained, you should be suspicious, especially if it happens frequently. A single charge may not be something your spouse remembers, but several charges are a different story. If the charges have become large or frequent, you have a right to be suspicious. However, your suspicions can be wrong. If you don’t like the answers you are getting from your spouse, we can look into this, and we can do so without your spouse becoming aware of the investigation.
There are missing assets or they have dropped in value.
Certain assets you remember having years ago suddenly no longer exist. Savings bonds are an example, or perhaps you had a secondary retirement account that hasn’t been used for a long time and you discover it has gone missing. When you ask your spouse about this, you are told that it was rolled into a new retirement account, though there is no evidence of this.
Another example can be found with stock portfolios. If your spouse manages your family’s investments, it is a simple matter for them to tell you there was a downturn in a particular company’s stock.
There is missing cash from your home or bank account.
If you have noticed that money has gone missing, and your spouse has a weak explanation or none at all, this can be a strong sign of financial infidelity. Sometimes it can take the form of unexplained ATM withdrawals or missing cash from your emergency fund. Oftentimes this type of behavior is the sign of a more serious problem. Perhaps your spouse has problem with gambling, drug addiction or truly is having an affair.
When money goes missing in this fashion, it is often accompanied by a change in your spouse’s behavior and mood. For problems such as this, our investigation may have to place your spouse under surveillance to determine where he or she goes to spend this money.
If you suspect that your spouse is hiding money from you, then give us call. Our private investigation firm provides the professional asset search services you need to find out the truth about your suspicions concerning financial infidelity in your marriage.
Bruce Robertson
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